Friday, May 22, 2009

Cool Things that I wish I could do.

Back up into a parking spot

I don't know exactly why people do this, I assume it involves some sort shady activity requiring a quick getaway. The real trick to this is that you have to pull off the maneuver it in a single go. I'd probably end up having to realign the Taurus a couple times, by then the cool factor will have faded.

Wear Sunglasses

Sure they look cool, but they just bug the crap out of me. I was born with low level paranoia. I can't shake the feeling that one shade of darkness might be the difference between me seeing the muzzle flash on the horizon of the bazooka fired by the Iranian terrorists wanting their plutonium back, and being able to swerve in time.

Hock a Loogie

Just can't do it. This may be the one thing holding me back in life.

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